World Cancer Day 2024: Date, Theme, History, Significance, and Key Facts here

World Cancer Day 2024: It is observed on 4 February. It is the global uniting initiative led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). Let us read more about World Cancer Day, its campaign theme, symptoms of cancer, and prevention.

World Cancer Day 2024: Cancer is a second-leading cause of death across the world and 70% of cancer deaths occur in low-to-middle-income countries. Each year, millions of lives can be saved by implementing resource-appropriate strategies for prevention, early detection, and treatment. 

The United Nations, the World Health Organization, and other UN agencies in recent years have recognized the urgent need for a global commitment. 

World Cancer Day is observed with a particular theme. The day is organized by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). WHO has designed a guide to cancer early diagnosis. No doubt, detecting cancer early will effectively reduce the mortality associated with cancer. 

Various types of cancer occur but the most common cancers that affect people of India are lung, breast, cervical, neck, brain, and colorectal cancer.

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What is Cancer?

It is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in a body. There are several types of cancer, usually named for the organs or tissues where the cancers form. The world has the highest incidence of this disease. 

World Cancer Day: History

In 2000, World Cancer Day originated at the first World Summit Against Cancer and was held in Paris. At this Summit, several leaders of government agencies, and cancer organizations from around the world signed the Charter of Paris Against Cancer. It was a document of 10 articles that outlined a cooperative global commitment to improving the quality of life of cancer patients and to the continued investment in and advancement of cancer research, prevention, and treatment. Article X of the charter formally declared February 4 as World Cancer Day. 

As per World Health Organization (WHO), if the incidence of cancer continues to grow at the reported rate, the number of deaths worldwide from cancer will increase to more than 16.3 million by 2040. Also, 40 percent of deaths from cancer are preventable according to WHO.

• UICC was established in the year 1993. It has its headquarters in Geneva. It is a membership-based organization taking care of Cancer around the world and helping in medical research.

Why is World Cancer Day celebrated?

Every year World Cancer Day is celebrated on 4 February. The purpose of the UICC is to support the World Cancer Declaration. The primary purpose of celebrating this day is to reduce the number of cancer patients and to reduce the death rate causing due to it.

At the same time, make people aware of how to identify the symptoms of cancer, educate people, as well as to prepare government and non-governmental organizations to help in fighting this deadly disease all over the world.

Not only this, the aim of celebrating World Cancer Day is to reduce misconceptions about cancer and to help people in getting the right information about it. There are several myths related to this disease as people behave with cancer patients untouchable, they think that if people will live with cancer patients they will also get cancer. This day is celebrated to remove these kinds of social myths. Therefore, people must know how and what type of treatment is given to cancer patients. Cancer people have all the right to live like normal people and they must feel self-respect and should get a normal environment in their home and society.

How is World Cancer Day celebrated?

Government and non-governmental organizations organize various camps, lectures, and seminars at every level throughout the world for the prevention of cancer. Several policies and control measures are implemented and people join the campaign in masses. The main target of the event is to spread a message to the common people about cancer. UICC provides a toolkit that consists of templates, leaflets, and directions from various organizations for better assistance. World Cancer Day event is celebrated every year with a particular theme to make it more result-oriented and to reduce the death ratio per year. In our country, too many campaigns are being run to save people from cancer. In India on 7 November Cancer Awareness Day is celebrated.

World Cancer Day: Theme

Every year, World Cancer Day is celebrated with a special theme. Some of the themes are as follows:

World Cancer Day 2015 theme - Not beyond us

World Cancer Day 2016- 2018 theme - We can, I can

World Cancer Day 2019-2021 Theme - I Am and I Will

World Cancer Day 2023-2024 Theme - Close the Care Gap

About Cancer

Cancer is a collection of diseases in which uncontrolled growth of cells starts, due to which trillion of cells is formed. As we know that human cells grow and divide to form new cells as per the requirement of the body. When cells become old or damaged, they die and new cells take their place. But in cancer, it does not happen. When in a body, cancer develops, cells become abnormal, old cells instead of dying, survive and when there is no need for new cells, they also developed. These extra cells divide and divide and grow into tumors.

Causes of cancer 

Various types of cancer are there and the reasons for developing it are also different. If you are taking medicines for any serious illness, then due to the side effects of these medicines, you may get cancer, but there are some other reasons also like -

- Smoking

- Overweight

- Non-nutritious diet

- Tobacco Chewing

- Not doing exercise ... etc

Symptoms of Cancer

- Sore throat

- Frequent coughing

- While eating difficulty in swallowing

- Uncontrolled lump of any kind in the body

- Flow of water or blood from any part of the body

- Moles growth increases and changes its colour

- No long-term recovery of any wound

- Loss of appetite

- Losing or gaining weight without any reason

- Feeling of tiredness or laziness all the time

- Difficulty or painful urination...etc.

It would not be wrong to say that awareness is the biggest thing to avoid a serious illness like cancer and to avoid cancer, it is also important to have a healthy lifestyle and food.

So, now you may have come to know about World Cancer Day, when and how is it celebrated, and what is the theme of 2024 World Cancer Day.

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