International Volunteer Day 2023: Wishes, Greetings, Messages, WhatsApp Status, Quotes & More

International Volunteer Day is celebrated on December 5 every year. This day is observed to promote the value of volunteerism in society

The annual International Volunteer Day is observed on December 5. The purpose of the celebration is to convey and promote the value of volunteers in the creation of a better society. International Volunteer Day (IVD) 2023 will focus on fostering solidarity through service.

Rising inequality across the globe, according to United Nations Volunteers, begs for cooperation in order to find common solutions. Volunteers create solutions to urgent development challenges and for the general good after being united by solidarity.

What is Volunteering?

An individual or group who freely donates their time and labor to community service is said to be volunteering. The fields in which they work, such as medicine, education, or emergency rescue, frequently require volunteers to have specialized training. Others provide assistance as needed, such as in the event of a natural disaster.

Volunteering is the intersection of solidarity and compassion. Both adhere to the same fundamental principles, supporting one another while acting with humility, respect, and equality.


International Volunteer Day is celebrated annually on December 5, thanks to approval from the UN General Assembly in December 1985. The commemoration of this day assists many volunteers in becoming mobilized and working with partners and government agencies to establish a framework for the program to promote and continue domestic volunteerism in all countries. These volunteers create an action plan for ongoing human development using online volunteering services. The act of volunteering has been observed in all cultures, languages, and religions. Many people step forward to offer their time and talents in order to better the love of others and make the world a better place. Involvement in volunteer work also increases their sense of others.

International Volunteer Day 2023: Date, History, Theme, Significance & More

International Volunteer Day 2023: Wishes, Greetings, and Messages

Never ever underestimate the power of volunteering because it has changed so many things around the world. Happy International Volunteers Day.

Wishing you a very Happy International Volunteers Day. We may not be able to make a living by volunteering but we can certainly make many lives worthy of volunteering.

On the occasion of International Volunteers, Day let us promote volunteering and let us thank all those who are involved in it. Warm greetings on this beautiful day.

By volunteering our services to different causes we can make a big difference. Let us, volunteer, because the world needs our services. Happy International Volunteers Day.

On the occasion of International Volunteers Day let us come together and volunteer ourselves towards different causes as the world needs our services.

The small group of citizens tuned to volunteer their services for their country or society has the power to bring in the most impossible change. Happy International Volunteers Day.

The occasion of International Volunteers Day reminds each one of us that we must come forward to help others in time of need. Warm wishes on International Volunteers Day.

It is always a good idea to be available to your friends, co-workers, and acquaintances when they need you. A very Happy International Volunteers Day to everyone.

Warm wishes on International Volunteers Day. Though volunteers do not get paid the kind of work they are doing, is beyond any price.

No matter how small the act of kindness is, it is always very precious and this is what the world needs from all of us. A very Happy International Volunteers Day to all.

There is some special magic in volunteering because it makes this world so much better and more beautiful. Warm greetings on International Volunteers Day to everyone.

We may not realize it but just by offering our volunteering, we are making a huge difference in this world. Happy International Volunteers Day to everyone.

International Volunteer Day 2023: Quotes

As you grow older, you will discover you have two hands — one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” – Audrey Hepburn

“Volunteers make a backbone of a developing society and nature this also challenges extraordinary sacrifices to expand promise and possibility.”- Anonymous

“As we lose ourselves in the service of others, we discover our own lives and our own happiness.” – Dieter F. Uchtdor

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – MK Gandhi

“Volunteerism is the voice of the people put into action.  These actions shape and mold the present into a future of which we can all be proud.” – Helen Dyer

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”  – Margaret Mead

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Celebrate International Volunteer Day in 2022 by volunteering at organizations, government agencies, non-profit organizations, community groups, and academic institutions

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