International Dog Day 2023: Date, History, and Significance of Dog Day

The day encourages people to adopt dogs, instead of buying them from pet shops. International Dog Day is celebrated on 26August to pay tribute to these incredible animals who work selflessly to bring comfort, keep us safe and save lives. The day also helps to recognize the number of dogs that must be rescued every year,  from pure breed rescuers, rescues, and public shelters.

We all know that dogs put their lives on the line every day. They protect our safety and freedom by detecting drugs and bombs, and also pull victims from wreckages and tragic situations. Dogs are also family friends, people keep dogs in their homes and hold special places in our lives. 

International Dog Day 2023 Date

International Dog Day is observed every year on August 26. The date is chosen as Colleen Paige's family had adopted their first dog 'Sheltie' on this day.

International Dog Day: History

In 2004, the day was founded by Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert, Animal Rescue Advocate, Conservationist Dog Trainer, and Author, Colleen Paige. He is also the founder of various other holidays like National Puppy Day, National Mutt Day, National Cat Day, etc. to bring attention to the importance of animals across the world and encourages adoption.

August 29th Date is chosen because on this date Colleen's family adopted her first dog "Sheltie" from the local animal shelter. At that time Colleen was 10 years old.

International Dog Day 2023: Significance

The day is celebrated for all dogs whether mixed breed or pure. The main objective of the day is to galvanize the public to recognize the various dogs that need to be rescued each year.

The day also honours all the family dogs and dogs that work selflessly to save lives and keep us safe. They protect our family and houses for her law enforcement partner, for their blind companion, for the disabled, for our freedom and safety by detecting bombs and drugs, and help us to locate and rescue victims of accidents and tragedy. 

International Dog day 2023: Tips to celebrate this day with your four-legged friend

Dog Lovers can commemorate International Dog Day with their furry friend by taking him or her out for a long walk but at some brand new place.

International Dog Day can be celebrated by offering your dog their favorite food. 

The day can be celebrated through a campaign that encourages people to adopt dogs and give them better life. 

International Dog Day can also be celebrated by making generous donations to a nearby shelter.

If you love dogs but are not able to afford them, International Dog Day is a great opportunity to visit a shelter nearby and spend a day with them playing and showering love. 

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