Bennington Battle Day: Posters, Quotes, Images, Status, Pictures, Messages

Bennington Battle Day is celebrated as a state holiday in Vermont that commemorates the victory of American soldiers over British forces at the infamous battle of Bennington. The battle took place during the American Revolutionary war at Wallamoosac, New York in the year 1977 was considered extremely pivotal at that time.

Although, the battle was actually fought 10 miles from Bennington yet the name was stuck because of the supply depot which was located there. The date of the holiday was fixed occurring every year on 16th of August. On this holiday, many citizens in Vermont gather around to see the battle re-enactment organized by the local history foundation.

Bennington Battle Day Quotes & Messages

“Patriotism has always been voluntary yet the brave lives that are lost in the battle of Bennington battle have shown it to preserve America.”

“The lives that fallen in protecting our country shall always be rewarded with making our beautiful nation of America great again.”

“The strongest people make time to help others, even if they are struggling with their own personal demons.”

“That day New York has seen some of the bravest souls serving and protecting our nation. Let’s commemorate them for their braver on this day.”

“If the Lord should once more give us sunshine and I do not give you enough fighting, I will never ask you to come out again.”

“If it wasn’t for the greatest military battle victory over British, the map of our country would look different than it is today.”

“It is the feeling of loyalty and allegiance that have compelled the greatest army of all time to fight and win the battle of Bennington.”

“I advocate war only as a means of peace and nothing else."

“Sometimes winning a battle becomes as important as winning the war and for our armed forces the Bennington battle was no different than a war.”

“They say battles are worthless if there isn’t anything to gain after victory and I am afraid the same can’t be said about the Bennington battle.”

“The Battle was initiated more than two hundred years ago for people to live in a country full of prosperity and peace. Let’s fight to establish peace for more time.”

“Patriotism is null if it is shown just by the words rather than the actions and choices. And on that day Gen. John Stark and his men showed true patriotism.”

“There was a serious amount of danger involved during the battle of Bennington. Maybe that is the reason why the triumph is till celebrated.”

“Live free or die; death is not the worst of evils.”

“The moment the soldiers met their enemies in the battlefield, they knew that it was just a matter of time as the victory was theirs to achieve it. “

“All the ferocious troubles that our country has ever seen are in the past so that our children could sleep in absolute peace. Let’s not disrupt that shall we”

“Victory shall always remain a victory in spite of how hard the battle was fought. In the end we’ll all be celebrating the win rather than the loss.”

“There never was an alternative to victory just like In the battle of Bennington, there wasn’t any substitute besides coming victorious over the British soldiers.”

“The dreams that they the war-veterans have seen for America can only be achieved by the power of unity rather than dissension.”

“Our Nation is breathing the air of liberty provided by our forefathers. On the eve of Bennington battle day, let’s teach our children to preserve the hard fought liberty.”

“The soldiers who fought with bravery in the battle of Bennington were solely the children of God sent by the Lord to protect us.”

“The success of victory wasn’t achieved with just a snap of fingers. It was the hard-work, perseverance and strong will shown by the soldiers that did it.”

“They lived for America and died for America. So on the eve of Bennington battle day, let’s keep their dream of seeing a liberating country alive.”

“Big wars are abolished through wars itself as it was and is the only way to achieve peace through the guns of violence.”

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